Terrace Heights Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Welcome to Terrace Heights Evangelical Presbyterian Church!  We are a multigenerational church which seeks to effectively minister to all age groups first and foremost through intentional relationships.  Our worship services incorporate both traditional and contemporary elements, and we strive to provide a worship service that engages both the heart and the mind.  While we are evangelical in our beliefs about God and the Bible, and Presbyterian in our church structure, we are here for everyone who seeks to know more about Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him.  We hope to see you soon!

We seek to fulfill our vision by purposefully living out the call to make disciples as found in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:30).  We seek to fulfill the call to make disciples by observing the model of the first century church in Acts 2:42:  And they devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers.

Terrace Heights EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus as part of a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations.  To the glory of God, our church family aspires to embody and proclaim Jesus' love as part of a global movement of congregations engaged together in God's mission through transformation, multiplication, and effective biblical leadership.

A missional church is a visible community of authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who gather for celebration, prayer, and teaching and then disperse locally and globally as His missionaries to love and serve people.  In so doing, a missional church both pursues and welcomes sinners as they are drawn into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  The greater purpose in all of this is that the earth will be filled with the worship of God.

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4303 Maple Court
Yakima, WA 98901

© 2024.  Terrace Heights Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
All Rights Reserved.

for Sunday Services!  It is a time for us to learn from God's Word, pray together, and worship in song.  We offer a children's church program during the Worship Service for those 10 years and younger.

Morning Worship Service at 10:30AM.   (LIVE STREAM HERE)

(Additional details are found on our Fellowship page.)

EVERY SUNDAY, 10:30AM: Morning Worship Service, both in-person and LIVE stream.   Join us!

Current Sermon Series is on The Book of Acts.   Join us in-person at the church or through our Facebook livestream as we continue in this study!
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Home Who We Are Worship Education & Growth Missions & Outreach Community Care Prayer Fellowship Contact
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4303 Maple Court
Yakima, WA 98901


© 2022.  Terrace Heights Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
All Rights Reserved.
Terrace Heights
Evangelical Presbyterian Church